Category: News

Story By – McKinley Corbley
Source – GoodNewsNetwork

Over 750 million African people live in areas so devoid of clean water, they’re forced to walk miles every day just to carry painstakingly heavy buckets of water back on their heads.

This results in severe neck and spinal damage for all the women and children forced to make the daily journey, as well as less time for getting an education and other household duties.

However, this simple invention is revolutionizing the way that families gather water in Africa.

The Hippo Roller is a durable, 25-gallon drum that can be rolled across any terrain. The sealed containers provides more hygienic and safe storage of the water instead of families having use open 20-liter buckets.

Instead of having to travel across the land for water every day, families can now make one trip per week. Since the design is more accessible, men are also less self-conscious to participate in the journeys along with the women and children.

Since the Hippo Roller was developed in 1994, over 51,000 contraptions have been distributed throughout 20 countries, benefitting over half a million people.