Category: Entertainment, News

Story from McKinley Corbley
Photo by Abbey Boyd
Originally posted on GoodNewsNetwork

Ted and Abbey-Abbey Boyd

Ted the German shepherd-Akita mix and Abbey Boyd the SPCA worker became a match made in heaven after cheese-flavored bacon strips brought them together.

Ted was brought into the Northwest Territories SPCA in Yellowknife on Friday. Terrified by the building and surrounding humans, the canine refused to leave his kennel.

In an effort to befriend the pup, Abbey fed him some of the shelter’s bacon treats. After asking the maintenance worker if he could build Ted a bigger, more comfortable kennel, Abbey went home.

The next day at 3AM, Abbey went to work at the airport. Three hours later, she arrived home to find a dog sitting on her porch, barking in her direction. Though the duo were wary of each other, Abbey invited the dog into her house for investigation.

It was then that she noticed a small familiar mark on the pooch’s nose and recognized him as Ted.

According to the SPCA, Ted had broken out of his kennel and wriggled out from the chain link so he could trek over three miles to Abbey’s house.

How he found Abbey’s house is a mystery, but she reportedly took the incident as a sign and is planning on adopting the hound once she moves houses.

“I can’t ignore a sign like that,” Abbey told media. “He showed up at my house, out of how many people [that] live here? All the dogs. All the smells. He chose my house. Where I am.”

“[I’m going to] build my bond with him that apparently, he senses more than I do. [He’s] literally sitting on a platter ready to be loved and taken care of. He’s coming with me.”